
Thursday, 6 November 2014

Stoma talk (WARNING picture of a stoma!)

Couple days ago I went to the stoma nurse to see how well/bad my stoma and wounds are doing. It actually looked pretty good except for the wound at the top and another, bigger one, on the side. The nurse told me that I might have a skin condition called pyoderma gangrenosum or then some other similar skin disease. Oh well... That's nice, as if I don't have enough on my plate already. She gave me some cortisone cream to put around the wound so lets hope that helps at least a bit. Otherwise I might even have to start taking cortisone pills which is something I have refused to do since the first time I was given such meds when I was 15 years old. Because of them I gained 35 kilos and my body was full of horrible looking strech marks. So lets say that cortisone left its imprint on me for good...

Also one thing I'm really wondering about it that every time I go to the stoma nurse and she cleanes the stoma and put on a new flange and all, I have to take it off within few hours as the stinging is just horrible. How can it be that she is so bad at this that now I'm dreading to go to her as all I end up with is just more pain... I told her that I need to be very precice and meticulous when I apply the adhesive paste around the stoma but she just told me that she's not meticulous at all and just puts stuff quickly together. Ummm okay... I'm left to suffer because of that then. Okay it's just me having to change my flange after I come home, but still the changing is always so exhausting for me and I don't like doing it unless I really have to.

Now I'm trying to hunt down this security ring or what ever it's called that allowes people with stomas to go swimming (yes I know you are supposed to be able to go swimming with just your normal flange but I really don't trust it to hold under water). I saw this video of a girl applying it when she was sitting on a rock beside a lake (or the sea..). It was transparent and was applied on the edges of the flange to give more security. But I really can't find the video at all, or any firm that makes those covers... If anyone knows what I'm talking about and knows where to get them I'd really appreciate the info :)

This is the flange I wear: eakin Pelican Convex, the best for me for now. My stoma is still changing as it's only 6-7 weeks since the operation. In addioton to this flange I also use stoma powder, cohesive paste, AquaCel strips, some skin care lotions specially for the stoma area and wound gel Prontosan that keeps the wound clean and disinfected. In addioton I also have Cavilon Barrierfilm (?) but I haven't used it much. So all this is the stuff I use on day to day basis with my stoma. My dream is to get to the point I'll only have to use the flange only, nothing else except occasionally. But I'm pretty sure in my case that will never be the case.

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